Curved vs flat monitor

July 22, 2021


In recent years, curved monitors have become more popular, and many believe they offer a better viewing experience than traditional flat monitors. However, others argue that flat monitors are still the better choice. In this blog post, we'll compare the pros and cons of both types of monitors, looking at several factors and providing numerical data where possible.

Display Quality

When it comes to display quality, both curved and flat monitors offer similar resolutions and refresh rates. However, some argue that curved monitors offer a more immersive viewing experience due to their wider field of view. On the other hand, others argue that the curve can cause image distortion at the edges of the screen.

Field of View

A curved monitor can offer a slightly wider field of view than a flat monitor due to its shape, which can be beneficial for activities like gaming or watching movies. However, this wider field of view can also lead to some pixel distortion at the edges of the screen, which may be noticeable in certain situations.

Physical Space

A curved monitor takes up more physical space on your desk than a flat monitor due to its shape. Additionally, if you use multiple monitors, curved monitors don't always play well together, and can create a larger gap between the monitors than flat monitors would.

Desk space

If space is an issue in your workspace, a flat monitor may be a preferable choice. Due to the reduced amount of physical space used by flat monitors, they are often a preferred choice for those who have less desk space.

Eye Strain & Comfort

While curved monitors may offer a more immersive viewing experience, they can also cause eye strain due to the way they bend the light. Also, the curve of the monitor can make it harder to position at a comfortable viewing angle, which may lead to neck or back pain over time. A flat monitor is a safer choice when it comes to eye comfort.


Curved monitors tend to be more expensive than flat monitors, which is an important consideration when making a purchasing decision. Depending on your budget, the added cost of a curved monitor may not be justified for the slight improvement in display quality.


When selecting a monitor, there are many factors to consider, including display quality, physical space, eye comfort, and price. Both flat and curved monitors offer their advantages and drawbacks, so it's up to you to decide which type of monitor best suits your individual needs.


  1. "Flat vs. Curved Monitors: Pros and Cons". PCMag

  2. "Curved vs Flat Monitors: What Are the Pros and Cons?" Tom's Guide

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